dijous, 18 de desembre del 2014


Els alumnes de 3r A i B han fet redaccions en anglès sobre el Gran Recapte d'Aliments. Dóna la casualitat que la redacció guanyadora ha estat d'un dels nostres redactors.


Last week, there was a big food collection. It took place in La Llagosta. The food that was collected was destinated to people in need of food in La Llagosta. In our high school we collected 150 kg of food in total. We had to bring dry legumes, rice, dry pasta, milk, canned fish and food for babies. We also had to break a record: collect a kilo of food per person and we did it! There was a lot of work to do. While some people were collecting food, others were placing the food into cartons. Other people were giving the food to the people in need of food. This event was from the 24th to the 28th of November. During the week we collected 30 bags of dry legumes, 15 bags of rice, 20 bags of dry pasta, 10 cartons of milk, 5 cans of canned fish and 10 cans of food for babies. The collecting points were in the INS Marina, INS Balmes, Les Planes school, Sagrada Familia school, Joan Maragall school and Gilpe school. Caprabo, Dia and Sorli Discau supermarket helped to carry out the event.
I think that this event is important because it helped many poor families. I also think that we will get more food next year and help more families.

Sergio Ledesma, 3r ESO A

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